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Shenley Brook End School

Shenley Brook End School


Safeguarding is everyone's business. 

Shenley Brook End School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and requires all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. All staff are subject to an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) certificate.

Assistant Headteacher & Designated Safeguarding Lead:
Mrs J Hearty
01908 520264
Email :
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: 
Miss M Rance
01908 520264
Email :
Headteacher: Mr G McCluskey
01908 520264
Safeguarding Governor: Mr P Morgan
01908 520264


Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and as such our school aims to create the safest environment within which every student has the opportunity to strive and reach their potential in a caring, supportive and safe environment.  We recognise the importance of ensuring our students know how to seek support, feel that they will be listened to, and appropriate action taken. We will do this by endeavouring to work in partnership with other agencies and seek to establish effective working relationships with parents, carers and other colleagues to develop and provide activities and opportunities throughout our curriculum that will help to equip our children with the skills they need. This will include materials and learning experiences that will encourage our children to develop essential life skills and protective behaviours.

Shenley Brook End school adheres to the Milton Keynes Safeguarding Partnership - Policies and Procedures

Any concerns or support sought will be via the MASH team – Milton Keynes Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub.  They will work with us in an integrated way to improve outcomes for our students and their families by bringing together children’s social care with other professionals dealing with concerns about the safety and well-being of a child.

Please note all information will remain confidential but if there are concerns in relation to the safety of the child, we will have to refer it to the MASH. Anyone (parent/carer/young person/teacher) can make a referral to the MASH if they have a concern about a young person – it does not have to be the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL).

To view our full Safeguarding & Child Protection policy please – click the link to our policies and procedures page

Please click link below for further information about the Milton Keynes Safeguarding Partnership Policies and Procedures:

Safeguarding Partnership Policies & Procedures; Milton Keynes Safeguarding Partnership (